ON24 is a video conferencing service for webinars, presentations, and meetings. Meeting platforms like ON24 are built to embed captions on the same screen as the video. The SyncWords Live widget can be easily added to the event page and ON24 users can view live captions and translations during the event.
1. Log in to your ON24 “Webcast Portal.”
2. Create a new webcast by selecting the “Create New” option on the left-hand side. Add the necessary information to the ON24 window as shown below, and then select “Create”.
3. Under the newly created webcast, select “Console Builder”.
4. Select “Widgets” from the top toolbar as shown below to bring up the “Widget Manager”.
5. Under “Widget Manager,” double click on “URL” located at the very bottom of the window. This will open the “URL” window. Once open, select “Settings > Configuration” option at the top of your URL window as shown below:
6. Insert the SyncWords Live link (provided by the SyncWords team) in the URL window.
7. Under "Desktop and Tablet" select “Open in Console” and under “Mobile Phone” select “Open in console full screen panel” so that the captions widget is available within the On24 window.
8. To change the name and/or icon of the widget click on “Attributes” (see image under #5). We recommend a title of “CC”, “Captions”, or “Subtitles”.
9. Select “Save” and your participants should now have access to the Caption Window.