This article will help you set up automated captions for a live event. From your SyncWords Live Dashboard click the “Schedule an Event” button
Pick the “Automated Captions” tab and continue to fill out the fields below.
Title - Enter the name of your event. This field is required.
Subtitle - Enter a subtitle if available.
Start and end time - Enter the date and time your event will take place. This field is required.
Time zone - Set the time zone you used when entering the start date and time. The time zone will default to the time zone set in your profile.
Audio Stream - Currently, we have two options available - RTMP and SRT.
Engine: Select the Live ASR engine you would like to use. Currently, there is only one option available.
Source language - Select the language your event will be held in.
Casing - Select how you would like to receive your captions. Options are either Mixed case or UPPERCASE.
Latency (in seconds) - This setting determines the time it takes for our system to ingest the audio and deliver the captions. The higher the value, the more accurate the results, however, it may take longer to deliver those results to your audience.
Push updated captions - AI engines tend to achieve higher accuracy the more context they have. Setting this option to “Yes” will allow the AI engine to go back and “correct” itself as new audio comes in.
Once you have finished adding all your settings click “Create Event”. Your event is now set up and ready to go.
There are several different tabs with various settings you can adjust as you see fit. Find all the needed articles in this section.